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Dalshabet - HIT U

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Dalshabet - HIT U Empty Dalshabet - HIT U

Post  Kaede Thu 26 Jan - 19:04

    Here it is, the new music video of Dalshabet : HIT U.
    Firt, I am a fan of Dalshabet since the debut even if I was disapointed of Pink Rocket and Bling Bling.
    Anyway this song is just a bomb. The bad girl concept is wonderful! Also, I love the colors of the MV : Grey and Pink.

    What do you think about it?

Posts : 133
Join date : 2011-12-26
Age : 30

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Dalshabet - HIT U Empty Re: Dalshabet - HIT U

Post  Mara<3 Thu 26 Jan - 21:07

Shocked loved!!!
I want to know more about the group and the different songs
blood pink!!
i always put the same emoticono -.-""
I'll look more songs of the group, is great
is the type of song i like Very Happy and i like the shirt of rhombus is very cool

Posts : 52
Join date : 2012-01-04
Age : 29
Location : Spain

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